Look at it like this: This life is the Ultimate Adventure Game.

We have obstacles to overcome, we have teammates to work with, we have awesome weapons - or not.
The choices we make take us in different directions as we try to figure out our mission here.
Even if you already have a job, you can still explore where this vetrepreneurship game may lead you through developing a "side-hustle."
As a veteran, you already know 80% of what you need to know to create a new battle plan and an exciting mission!
Find out if a new mission appeals to you! Check back for Step 1 coming soon!

Stay Tuned for our Upcoming Online Workshops

We've melted it down and reformatted it to be a two-hour "stick your toe in the water" introduction rather than a long "how-to" instruction guide! Our shorter workshop is still very entertaining and informative but is now like the appetizer for the full-course meal the SBA and other organizations offer, so come see if this is an idea worth pursuing!

Email questions to sfsmllbiz@aol.com.

Veteran Resource Guide

Share with Us

  1. How did your military training and experience help you launch and grow a business?
  2. What was the greatest hurdle you encountered in starting a business and how did you overcome it?
  3. Did you bootstrap your start-up or did you borrow money and what path would you suggest to new vetrepreneurs?
  4. What one thing would you have done differently in starting your business?

  • GoMillie.com
    Our experiences dealing with uncertainty and risk in the military directly impacted our ability to deal with these constants in the entrepreneurial world. Founded 2015 in Arlington, VA, 9 employees
    - Ken Robbins, Army
  • Hirepurpose Inc.
    I saw that many Marines struggling to transition to the civilian job market, despite having incredible skills and experience that were in high demand. Hirepurpose grew out of that experience marketing and evaluating talent for special operations. Founded 2014 in NYC, 12 employees
    Hirepurpose Inc.
    - Zachary Iscol, USMC
  • RedOwl, Inc.
    Military service prepared me for the complexities and turbulence entrepreneurs encounter when building a business from the ground up. Founded in 2012 in Baltimore, MD, 65 employees
    RedOwl, Inc.
    - Guy Filipelli, Army Intelligence, Les Craig, Army Ranger and Renny McPherson, USMC

Schedule a Workshop in your AO!

An organization such as the SBA, VFW, church, etc. are required to act as liaison to:

  • sponsor the event
  • secure a place to hold it, including seating
  • provide food (beverages, snacks and lunch) for the workshop
  • provide nearby hotel/motel lodging for the speaker and transportation to/from the event if more than a 3-hour drive from Boise

New protections for servicemembers and veterans alert

In May 2018, new protections for servicemembers and veterans were signed into law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Bureau previously highlighted the new federal law that went into effect on September 21, 2018 requiring free security freezes and one year fraud alerts at the three nationwide credit reporting agencies (CRAs).

Your guide through the military lifecycle

Use our map to help take the guesswork out of financial management during your time in the service.

Download Key Resources
  • Off Grid Survival Pro
    We already have a small business, but gained a great deal of information to grow our business - the rights and wrongs and many resources to go to.
    Off Grid Survival Pro
    V. Thomas, US Army
  • Off Grid Survival Pro
    This program will benefit both veterans looking to start a business or have a business that needs a boost.
    Off Grid Survival Pro
    W. Thomas, US Army

Your Mission Starts Here!

All military services post a recommended reading list for members; in the USMC, reading 5 books per year from the list put out by the Commandant is required and becomes part of each Marine's annual fitness record.